The Gracious Host

Embrace the creativity of your inner host

A true entertainer, whether it be a DJ or a hostess, takes her guest on a journey.

From the moment a guest is greeted at the front door, the blank canvas of the senses start to have color: the aroma of a roast wafts in the air, the shimmer of bubbles in the sparkling crystal, the depth of flavor & texture of the tomato pastry, to the laughs around the abundantly filled dining table; a hostess creates a memorable, taste bud -expanding voyage for her company. 

Hosting a Party

The key to a great party is having fun. Being prepared lets you be relaxed and able to enjoy, which in return, makes for happy guests.

A Special Celebration

Some celebrations just require that extra pop. Wow your guests by sabering open a Champagne Bottle.

The Princess Glass

The moral of this story goes well beyond just drinking wine. But it of course does involve drinking wine.

Claim Your Glass

Everyone has been there – You’re at a party, and as much as you try to keep track of your glass, you inevitably place it amongst 4 other identical red wines.

Old Fashioned Garland

Create a holiday tradition in your home. Turn on the Christmas music and start stringing the popcorn & cranberries!

Carrying for Copper Pots

Copper is one of the best conductors of heat. Unfortunately though, they do not go in the dishwasher. Here are some guidelines for taking care of your speciality copper pots & pans.

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